Grace morning on this sensational and seismic Sunday.
Some parts of life are just flat out awful. From failing an exam, a breakup, a passing of a loved one, or even just a couple days or weeks of feeling useless can really put you down in the dumps. On the bright side, there is good news for Believers in Christ! God is with us! He is with us through the pain and the sorrow and knows precisely how we feel and what we need of Him. Those who serve Him know that in Him, we have hope. God does not promise that we will not face trials and challenges in life just because we are saved, but He does guarantee that He will be with us.
“Even when you made me see
troubles, many bad troubles, you made me live again. From deep under the earth you brought me up again.” Psalms 71:20 EEB
God can help you overcome any trial that you face in life, big or small.
The enemy brought it to set you back, He meant it for your harm.
What the enemy didn’t realize, is that God would show himself strong in your life, by turning it to your advantage.